The Youth of Zambia Need to Stand Up and Reclaim the Country

The time has come for the youth of Zambia to reclaim their rightful place in the leadership of this nation. For far too long, the pre-independence leaders have demonstrated, beyond any reasonable doubt, that their only interest is in enriching themselves at the expense of the future generations.

Their promises of prosperity and development have given way to a reality of corruption, mismanagement, and mortgaging the future of Zambia to foreign creditors.

The billions of dollars in debt that they have borrowed have not been used to build a sustainable economy but rather to finance their luxurious lifestyles. Zambia’s natural resources, the very wealth that should be driving the nation forward, have been looted for meager kickbacks while the vast majority of the population continues to struggle.

What we call “debt restructuring” is nothing more than passing on the burden to future generations—the youth will be left to clean up this mess, while those who created it will have long since faded into history.

Expecting these same minds to now offer solutions is delusional. The reality we are living today is the direct result of decisions made 50 years ago by these leaders.

They created a system that mirrored the colonial structures of oppression, and they have continued to maintain that system for their own gain. The idea that they can now somehow turn things around is laughable.

With all the natural resources Zambia possesses, coupled with its vibrant and talented youth, the position we are in today is unacceptable.

While we celebrate independence on paper, the country’s political and economic structures are still a reflection of colonialism. We have failed to create our own political system that empowers our people.

We have equally failed to transform our economic structures into a model that benefits the many rather than the few.

Our educational institutions are designed not to liberate but to stifle critical thought. They mimic the colonial system of training obedient workers, not innovative thinkers.

Countries that gained independence at the same time as Zambia have progressed into industrialized economies, yet we remain an importer of the very goods we have the resources to produce ourselves.

Our minerals are extracted, priced, and sold by foreign entities with little to no benefit to Zambians. We don’t even have the capacity to know exactly how much of our own wealth is leaving our borders.

Our forests are being decimated, sold off to the highest bidder, while those in charge turn a blind eye in exchange for kickbacks from the illegal sale of Mukula and Mukwa logs.

In the global race for technological advancement, Zambia lags behind, stuck in pre-Newtonian methods of production.

Our institutions of governance serve not the people, but the narrow, selfish interests of the political elite. They are nothing more than instruments of power and control, manipulated to maintain the status quo and ensure the continued exploitation of Zambia’s resources.

The recent displays of solidarity among these pre-independence leaders as they face arrests are not a sign of their commitment to the people of Zambia.

It is a desperate attempt to maintain their hold on power and perpetuate the corrupt system they created. They have no interest in liberating this country—they are merely fighting to protect their ill-gotten wealth and continue benefiting from a system that serves them.

It is time for the youth to wake up. These political leaders do not have your best interests at heart. They will throw you the occasional crumbs from their table and make empty promises to win your support, but their true goal is to use you as tools to maintain their grip on power.

The post-independence generation must realize that we can only go as far as our vision allows. The limited vision of our past leaders is what has led to the mess we are in today.

It is time for a new generation of leaders who can see beyond the outdated, colonial structures and envision a Zambia that is interconnected with the global economy—a Zambia where opportunities are boundless.

Now is the time for the youth to rise up and reclaim this country. The future of Zambia depends on the youth to provide the transformative leadership that will set the nation on a path of growth and prosperity. The youth must demand change and refuse to be shackled by the failures of the past.

This is your moment. It is time for an awakening, a revolution of a generation long chained by the failures of others. It is time to break free and lead Zambia into a future of hope, progress, and opportunity. The future is in your hands, and you must rise to the challenge.

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