Pay TAZARA Workers’ Three Months Salary Arrears in Full – MP

Mpika Member of Parliament has implored government to pay in full the three months’ salary arrears owed to Tanzania-Zambia Railway Authority (TAZARA) workers.

Francis Kapyanga revealed that out of six months of unpaid salaries, government has only paid for three months.

Mr. Kapyanga also advised government to consider putting the workers on payroll as promised.
He recalled that in October 2019, the ministerial council comprising of ministers from Zambia and Tanzania agreed to place TAZARA workers on government payroll as the recapitalization process unfold, and the two countries had begun engaging China in financing the recapitalization.

Mr. Kapyanga however noted that the promise remains unfulfilled on the Zambian side, and the workers continue to suffer even when the country will be celebrating 60 years of independence this month.
“These hardworking individuals face an uncertain future, out of six months of unpaid salaries weighing heavily on their minds and families, the government has only paid for three months.”

“As a representative of the people of Mpika which houses TAZRA Regional Headquarters, I urge the government to honor its commitment and pay the remaining three months of the six months of salary arrears in full.”

“The recent release of funds, covering only three months, fell short of addressing the crisis at hand. These workers have obligations such as loans, school fees, and family needs which puts them in a difficult position,” Mr. Kapyanga said.

Mr. Kapyanga further said the plight of TAZARA workers has far-reaching implications for the economy and regional trade, therefore the need for government to urgently address the matter.

“As a nation, we must prioritize the welfare of our workers who are the backbone of our industries. I call upon the government to expedite the recapitalization process for TAZARA, injecting new capital, expertise, and efficiency into the railway authority.”

“Before that is done, the government should place all TAZARA workers on government payroll until it can stand on its own. As I stand in solidarity with TAZARA workers, I urge the government to take swift action.”

“Our workers cannot wait any longer. They deserve to be paid, and they deserve to work with dignity. Let us work together to make this a reality,” he added.

Efforts to get a comment from Ministry of Transport and Logistics failed.

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