Government Urges Media Houses to Diversify Their Revenue Streams

Government has urged media houses to diversify their revenue streams and not rely on one source of income. 

Ministry of Information and Media Permanent Secretary, Thabo Kawana says media organizations should generate sufficient revenue to provide their audiences with high quality news products, and retain qualified employees through competitive salaries, and implement sound business as well as financial plans. 

Speaking at the Media Sustainability Summit organized by an Alliance of Professional Journalists in Zambia, Mr. Kawana, who was represented by Ministry’s Director-Human Resource and Administration, Bernard Domingo, however acknowledges that increased competition, limited advertising opportunities, and the rise of digital platforms have significantly reduced the advertising revenue streams. 

He says media sustainability can only be achieved when media organizations diversify their revenue streams, adding that Government stands ready to support any initiatives that aims to plant the seed of sustainability. 

Speaking earlier, Media Liaison Committee Vice Chairperson, Felistus Chipaka says the media is facing a period of uncertainty as many establishments are grappling with operational challenges, hence the Summit will help explore practical solutions to these challenges. 

And visiting World Association of Newspaper Publishers (WAN-IFRA) -Women in News Director for Insights and Advisory , Susan Makore states that the media has been struggling to pay salaries post COVID-19, hence the Summit is aimed at putting ideas together to find ways of supporting one another. 

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