ZCSA receives approval to declare over 40 new Compulsory Standards

  • This follows finalization of consideration of the Regulatory Impact Assessment Reports submitted by ZCSA.
  • ZCSA regulates 61 imported and locally manufactured products falling within the scope of Compulsory Standar
  • By having more compulsory standards, the Agency will widen the scope of its regulatory intervention and enhance consumer protecti


Business Regulatory Review Agency (BRRA) has approved Zambia Compulsory Standards Agency (ZCSA)’s proposal to declare over 40 Zambian Standards as Compulsory Standards.

This follows finalization of consideration of the Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) Reports submitted by ZCSA on the proposed declaration of compulsory standards for packaging materials, solar products, fertilizers, fish feed, food products, lubricants and fuels, beverages and some construction materials.

Currently, ZCSA regulates 61 imported and locally manufactured products falling within the scope of Compulsory Standards covering food products, Beverages, Chemical products, Fertilizers and Household Electrical appliances, among others.

In a statement on Friday, ZCSA Public Relations Officer, Onishias Maamba said by having more compulsory standards, the Agency will widen the scope of its regulatory intervention and enhance protection of consumers and the environment.

“BRRA has noted that the process of declaration of the proposed compulsory standards followed by ZCSA is in line with Sections 4, 5 and 6 of the Business Regulatory Act No. 3 of 2014. Further, BRRA has further noted that the proposed compulsory standards are aimed at promoting product safety thereby protecting consumers.”

“In March this year, ZCSA consulted various stakeholders on the proposed declaration of more than 40 new Zambian Standards as Compulsory Standards as required by the Business Regulatory Act. This followed the successful completion of the drafting process of 41 proposed standards aimed at enhancing consumer and environmental protection,” Mr. Maamba stated.

He explained that during the consultations, ZCSA provided an overview of the draft Compulsory Standards and their potential impact.

Mr. Maamba added that the Agency also received input through constructive discussions where stakeholders shared comments, concerns and suggestions with the aim of refining the proposed regulations.

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