Some Partnerships with Multinational Organisations Can be Disastrous to Economic Growth – PSDA

Private Sector Development Association (PSDA) says there is no need for the World Bank to partner with Zambia on strengthening private sector participation on the country’s economy.

The World Bank has announced a five-year Country Partnership Framework (CPF) for Zambia which will focus on sustainable private sector led economic and resilience development and social security.

But Association Chairperson Yusuf Dodia tells Money FM News in an interview that some of Zambia’s partnerships with multinational organisations can be disastrous to the economic growth of the country.

Mr. Dodia states that the partnerships do not take advantage of the opportunities which lie in the country and focus on trying to strengthen revenue collection from small and medium enterprises (SMEs).

He notes that that the focus is also directed towards giving a set of skills to Zambians and forget the big problem of how and where does Zambia get its major economic resources.

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